Thursday, September 20, 2012

Nostalgia's Just a Burp of Time

"The darkness is the closet for which your lover's heart roosts, and that night fowl that caws against her spirit and yours, dropping between you and her the awful estrangement of his bowels... the night is where all becomes estranged."
                                                             -Djuna Barnes,  Nightwood

"There are night people, and there are day people."
"Night people do not bury their dead, but on the neck of You, their beloved and waking, sling their creature husked of its gestures. And where it goes, you go."

What you reap you first did sow. This I learn and sometimes know. 

Now, Me time:

"One day I am going to stay up the whole night and walk 'round. I'll kill you with the look of the night and flex my muscle only to know the vibrating wave of your bone goin' crunch. Just sing."

"A uniqorn is whole only when she takes into account her shadow."

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