Saturday, February 16, 2013

Schizophrenia, is Taking Me Home

Any school of thought, philosophy, mental comprehending of the world, is but a tool.
Esoteric, exoteric, all bodies of thought...are a tool.

A tool to know the Truth.

Human design, psychology, physics, are not absolute Truths.
They are tools, to further along one's journey to the ineffable.

Co-incisions of realizations abound, I realized There Were No Words.
There were no words for the Truth. 
There are tools to help you step towards it.
But there are no words for the Truth.
Thought and concepts can only dance around the Truth.

The dao you speak of is not the True Dao.


And the responsibility one has to approach the ineffable, to embrace the living out of your Truth. And thoughts will not be there, at the apex of your Truth. But they will dance around it, and the fire shall be True and it shall burn even into and beyond your death, which is but a continuation of your life, your fire, your Truth.

Human design is my tool to dance around the fire that my mind cannot and should not touch.

I am learning that there is no answer in the intellectual realm. There is an answer in full individuation. For me. To feel that I am the universe, and I am me, and I am constant change.

Transmutation. Me, with my third line conscious and my fifth line unconscious. No wonder I fell deeply in love with the I Ching when I met it. It was one of those moments when I returned home.
In our metaphor of the hexagram as house, between the third and fourth lines can be imagined a spiral staircase. This is the potential to move from the inner process to the outer. The third line personality has the keynote of adaptation. It is this line through its foundation that expresses the complete nature of the lower trigram. It is the finishing of the first floor of the house.

In its blood is the potential, through the fifth line unconscious, to universalize. However, not prepared for the other, it is often naive in its assumptions. The third line personality is a theme of trial and error. Any attempt to universalize out of the subjective is bound to meet resistance.

The third line personality is not rigid like the fourth line. It is not fixed in its nature. It is built to bend, to adapt. When its attempts at universalization fail or are unmasked for their subjectivity in meeting the other, they can adapt. They have a chance to learn from their mistakes. We live in a culture in which mistakes are considered something negative and to be avoided. We are punished for the mistakes we make. In the extreme we are humiliated or even abused. So many human beings who carry third line themes suffer in this life through presumed failure. Mistakes are interpreted as failure. But the theme is trial and error. Through this theme mistakes are not negative but a process that can lead to profound results. It is extremely common in scientific research that a mistake leads to great discovery. Pasteur is a classic example.

And so I revel in mutation. In the transitions within transitions within transitions taking place Now. In the stillness of this space, so much unbridled movement, I revel. 

Here. The year of the serpent and archetypes abound. The year of Secrets revealed and slithering investigation and precaution. The year where skin is shed again and again. A quieter moment of lightning change. Where I place intention in ambition and look to return ever closer to home, in my Self which is the Universe, and a mahogany nap-sack brimming with trial and, yes, success.

 In the form of error.

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