Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thank You for Loving Me /(All)/

"the true lovers do not wish to love--
                              they just fall into grace, four eyes blind,
                    wishing to die--

 but at the end, when the journey begins,
                             they are more than fine;
                   they transcend"

~M .A. R

New beginnings begged by the new moon on 1/11, 1.1.1, the beginning of number sequences writhing and supine, snakes and the phallic bud burst forth from the dark, primordial, fungal dirt.

Here todos goes.

I have a waking wish: hope. "Hope is a waking dream."

I bring even stronger and more intentioned Love into this first New moon of the quantified year.

When my mind quiets I pray. I am overcome with gratitude and excitement for newness of myriad form. Infinite form.

Sinead O'Conner's Thank You For Hearing Me

Perfection, so imperfect and vulnerable. I am going for what I want. The shame slips off 'round my small and long bodice like a many-eyed patterned snake skin.

 I am clear now, about what I want.  Much rumination and experientiality to get to this point. A lot of fear I dug through and sat in, frustrated festering. 

Propulsions forth now, damn babed phoenix chick chirpin' blindly in and out and around.
The butterfly and the frog make love in a distant future reflection I feel in my sleep. 
Everything is a lyric.



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