A holistic outlook on life. Life as Life. Life as Not Life.
A synapse here shot straight spiral to philosophical cluster~fuck.
I realize I'm aggressive in my search for Consciousness. I am fervent, rabid, an animal that believes itself caged and so bites at obsidian fur, a mutilation for an end preservation.
I want to wake myself up todos en tiempo, siempre, ahora. I want to help wake other humans up too, albeit now I am more focused on this here body of mine.
In the fiery propulsion of my star kissed path, I come to land upon something like the wind; swaying, oscillating, brushing up against.
It is an actuality and an intangibility, of course, expectedly.
And there I sit and ponder the spiritual gouges that freckle my skin. My eyelid closes slowly again and I question my insatiability: this overwhelming desire to consciousness, to higher being, to a holy vessel living true to its design.
I am very much like a young stallion learning to gallop. And balance is essential. Balance is essential.
I've been mulling over the concept and manifestation of rationality and irrationality. And how irrationality is very often linked to emotions. And how humans tend to skirt around feeling emotions because of the inability to cognitively, rationally, understand them.
Then I bathe myself in balance. I see either end of the spectrum (although this is NOT a linear phenomenon) of chronic emotional reactions or chronic rational reactions, as imbalanced, unhealthy, disenchanting, unfulfilling.
Our life must be a give and take of rational//emotional. I would even argue it best to synthesize the two in every reaction. Conscientiousness. Yes. Feeling your emotional blood beat in every situation while also kindly rooted to the ground like a redwood.
That is my desire for daily living. For I have witnessed, in myself and others, a polarizing phenomenon of hyper-rationality or hyper-emotionality... and neither serves the individual, as I see it. I perceive them as living one-sided, out of touch with themselves or entirely lost in themselves.
Either a well-rooted but lifeless redwood, or an uprooted one, soon to die.
Either too rooted in control, or sky high in an emotional whirlwind.
And I suppose, upon all this mulling over, that it is partially subjective, how I view balance, rationality, emotionality.
But I also believe its partially objective, meaning universal.
We are one whole organism, human being. Not static no, but definitely unified. And we can intuit and understand equilibrium, as well as sense discord.
Tapping in to tap out. To use your emotional intelligence in the fostering of rational intelligence, and vice versa. Yeah. That's what I seek, to practice, to learn, to gallop.
And by writing this I fulfill the other halve of a whole I mentioned before. That yes, I write this for myself, but also so that you too can be inspired to find balance in your life. Believe it or not, you know exactly what you need to do to find balance; it's already written within and without you.
Begin the day, and be gentle with yourself.
M .A. R
Happy Libra everyone, it's gonna be a good one.