Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Liminal 'Luminations of a Libran

The Mother's Ouroboros swallows his own tail as a pledge to this eternal return. Life arises out of death, just as death is part of life.   

This first full Moon of Spring celebrates the breaking the chains of death as well as of our limitations.

The way to attain freedom is to become conscious of who you are--the good, the bad and the ugly--of what you love, what you desire, what you value, what you want to create and how you plan to serve.   Once you know feel your story, the choices you make will lead you to your destiny. 

Mary Herrera via MYSTICMAMMA-COm

Remember that whatever is occurring is timely for our growth and we have the power to choose LOVE in every situation. Every experience is a gift, and how we engage with it is part of our growth. It’s important that we focus on aligning with LOVE, and TRUST what is unfolding. LOVE energy conquers all, no matter what.
The Libra Full Moon on March 27 could be the most intense and significant Full Moon in 2013. The winds of change are blowing strong at the Libra Full Moon.  This Full Moon is action packed…
♦ What do you need to release and let go of?
♦ What is complete for you?
♦ What new insights and visions did you receive at the Pisces New Moon?”
 The Libra Full Moon triggers the powerful life-changing Pluto/Uranus square. We need to practice conscious awareness in our lives. Be awake in what we are choosing and doing. Change is the only constant in transitional 2013.
Relationships are front and center at the Libra Full Moon. Reinventing relationships is a strong theme.  Old ones may need to be released, as new relationships emerge.
Clean out the closets in your home and in your mind.  Use the Libra Full Moon to clear out the past and to get organized.  In this way, you are sending a powerful message to Creator. You are letting the universe know that you are ready for the new opportunities that are coming into your life.
We are to come from love not fear. We are to release and let go. Our soul knows that the best is yet to come. Make sure you are sleeping, resting and taking time for yourself. These powerful ascension energies raising our vibrations can be exhausting at times. Take a time out when you need it.  Come back re-energized. Get ready for action in April.
  “Nobody else knows your reason for being. You do. Your bliss guides you to it. When you follow your bliss, when you follow your path to joy, your conversation is of joy, your feelings are of joy — you’re right on the path of that which you intended when you came forth into this physical body.  ~ Abraham

There, here, alchemy and young children lovers who kiss small toes. Where All comes from, no one knows.   



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Change is the only constant.
    But fuck - sometimes a little consistency might be nice. Like sleep after a long and exhausting day. But, of course, I say that being a person that does not really sleep all that much... Just my style, to cling to the one thing that I can argue with, instead of truly considering the rest. I try.

    (I am mutability by the way, but I figured I should repost my comment from my actual blog)
