Monday, May 6, 2013

Serpentile Sheddings

What is really interesting is that these abilities will strengthen and new ones reveal themselves as the Indigo ages. Many Indigo psychic abilities are ‘locked away’ until the individual reaches a certain age- usually around age 28 or 29. This is a built-in ‘safety feature’ because the mental maturity to handle these gifts isn’t really complete until the late twenties or early thirties. All Indigos will have an Dark Night/Awakening experience around this time. This coincides with their Saturn’s Return, where their True Mission manifests itself, and they have had enough time and experience as adults to try, test, fine-tune and learn to trust their innate psychic and intuitive abilities. Younger Indigos may be aware of their mission from childhood, but until this period of their life, they may have difficulty staying on course because of their innate curiosity and love of experiment and exploration. The return to the inner mission can be rough. The apparent lateness of this ‘bloom’ or Awakening is due to the longer lifespan of surviving Indigos, but this period is experienced by all people, Indigo or not. Even the early Alpha and Beta generations will live considerably longer than their peers, and will exhibit a youthful appearance well into middle age.

The thirties are a decade of rediscovery and recovery of the extremely high-end psychic abilities, like instant access to the Akashic realms, real time remote viewing, Clear channeling and interaction with inner Guidance, instant assessment of people’s thoughts and intent, deliberate synchronicity (sheer ‘dumb’ luck) simultaneous time-hopping (paralleling) and other intriguing Gifts. The healing gifts uncover themselves in the third decade also. These youngsters will grow up to become formidable healers, should they choose to fine-tune this particular gift. Most of the thirties will be spent discovering and fine tuning these spiritual Gifts. The fun really begins in the early forties, and the high power aspects of the mature Indigo begin to emerge. So, if your kid seems to be brilliant, but scattered slacker, or turns his or her nose up at traditional education and career opportunities, take heart- the mature inner core soul knows how to bide its time, and will do so, although it might be frustrating for you at times. Remember- it is their life, and they chose to return. You were their guardian and teacher.




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