Welcome to Human Design. Per Human Design, we are all “lit up”
by neutrinos. Whether they are solar, terra or cosmic neutrinos,
we do not know. Neither do we know whether they are electron,
tau or muon neutrinos that light us up. One fact is that Human
Design popped up after the Supernova1987A in 1987.
This Supernova caused an influx of neutrinos to rain onto Earth.
Now, take a light bulb, look for the filaments …screw in the bulb,
turn on the light and the filament lights up. See how much of the
room lights up. Now, imagine a person’s body with 64 filaments,
4 of which can combine to a total of 10 combinations (Spectrum of Individuation). Plug this body into
the cosmos socket and this person lights up with a personality,
thoughts, strengths, fears, knowledge, weaknesses and energy field.
Light does not go through matter, neutrinos do. About 100 billion
solar neutrinos can go through 2 centimeters of one finger every
Neutrinos Interpreted |
Multiply this by the surface area of your body and the total is
gazillionsof neutrinos go through our body. And we are not even
neutrinos light us up and gazillion neutrinos go through our bodies per
second, and we do not all light up the same way, one can then assume
that we have certain receptors to catch these neutrinos within our
bodies to make who we are. What these receptors are, we cannot answer
either. We do know that once we look at someone’s Human
Design we continue to be amazed at the make up of each person: we can
truly say that each person is a beautiful and individual being in their
own way, a piece of the puzzle of humanity.
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