Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I Believe in Magicke (Me)

I believe in magicke. With, or without the i'ke'. I believe, because I am being cracked and crushed into a most beautiful rolling river. There is such power in gentility. 

I mean not those who wear oscillating crowns or false guises of Sir ego. 
I mean that there is a devastating strength in quiet, plurring, gentleness.

I mean, the strength of a tree.
A damn tree that hits me with waves of browns and greens. A quiet figure among figures that does nothing perfectly. Just as a wise sack of flesh said, and I mutated: "A tree is gonna change my world."

 Well, it will. The silent bounty of energy that trees and rivers hold, now take ahold of the what I call by many floating names: the Conscious Vanguard, the rainbowarriors, the New Aeons, the eternal NOW. 

You, perhaps, if you want to. It's not as easy as a bloody pill.

I believe in magicke because I see it in every movement of every moment,   rarely ever using mine eyes.

Magicke is your intuition, your instincts, even your entropic primitive desires.  
It is you. It is also a tree.

Do you question NOTHING as you are raised in a society that calls itself by the prime number 1? As it degrades your very soul at the moment of your slime-caked escape from your mother's limp labia? All the social constructs barrage you with self-deprication, brain-wash. It is loathsome how loathsome of your self that they make you. They, they, they. 


They. Ah, the irony of the human condition. The socialized-human condition of this reality.  ...The irony, is that so-called "they" Us. The blind masses support this wide-spread  hallucination. Not of course without the help of technological mind altering and the happy shit they put in the tap water.

Blind masses. 

Cure= Consciousness. 

And, yes, it begins with the self. Recognition of the Self. 

Not the Socialized Self, not the mosquito-like Ego. No. Not the "self" you were brainwashed into believing. Not the "white", "asian", "chicano", "fat", "tall", "middle-class" you. 

No. The true Self. The essential you.

Look at your design, look at the overarching trends of your reactions to this reality. Don't just look, Feel. Feel yourself, feel all that you feel. Notice your contraction, and expand. Be You. All it takes is patience and practice, like the rest of the Universe. Courage is In the practice. 

Consciousness is a journey, a river with many tributaries in many dimensions.
It is not a set point, not set to a quick fix.

But it is the only thing we've got that is authentic. If we do not have consciousness we lose that which makes us Human. We lose this great gift we have been given...Life. 

I went to Catholic school for a relative blip of time. I am ever grateful for the karmic test it posed me:            ...                    be a sheep or go to hell.

I chose music, sex, good times. I chose real hugs and real smiles. Real tears too. Of course. 
Gotta have balance. 

I chose consciousness. And now this journey of the Conscious has brought me to magicke. Ah, and its a rich life already. It isn't supernatural,

it's natural. 

                           "Once you wake up, there is no going back."     Sometimes.

So I got not too terribly tangential, and I will not apologize. I feel that consciousness and magicke are one in the same, or are at the very least in a causal or correlated relationship.

And I believe in it becasue my life at every moment has potential for great magicke, if I so open my mind to it.

With freedom from mental slavery (that which our, they, us, our capitalist patriarchy dopes us up on), once can see magicke, and have that sublime strength I first typed on about.

Magicke only comes from Nature (which we ARE), and Nature functions only in equilibrium, in an order. (Take psychadelics, you might just see the pattern with your eyes.)
Nature is the champion of self-sufficiency. And Nature possesses fantastical strength.

Nature is the strongest force, and yet we are led not to believe it. All that is feminine and receptive and expansive is...weak....? Again, too many squeaky clean minds are stuck in the clothes-washer.
But, alas, there is a chance. A chance, a change.

It begins with you. With me. With your lover. And, if you channel Nature, even with your enemy. 

You have fantastical strength too, beyond the metallic chains of your mind's prison. 

Within you lies an infinite prism of colors of vibrations,  that all have equal potential. 

To harness your destiny, your unique combination of inner must peer inside. You must take the multilayered road of Consciousness. You must ask yourself,

And then, authenticity will settle upon you like the falling chrysanthemum petals of a tea garden tree.

If you are in this rather subjective experience, why not have it be authentic

Authentic according to you.

              You owe it to yourself, to live true. 

                   Go, Stop, Open Up, Open In.

                           Contract, Expand.

                                Wind, Earth.

                                Water, Fire.

                                 Yin, Yang.

                        Masculine, Feminine.

 “And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.”

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